
Want to Diminish Wrinkles, Use Human Sperm

Tuesday, 30 Jun 2009

SpermApparently, there is a substance out there called spermine (yes, discovered in human sperm) that is said to be a powerful anti-oxidant used to diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles by smoothing the skin.

A Norwegian company called get this, Bioforskning is synthesizing the substance in laboratories and selling it.

Spas such as Townhouse Spa and Graceful Services in New York are offering sperm-based facials.

Now I ask you this, would you pay $250 for a sperm-based facial?

Reader's Comments

  1. all that you touch
    all that you feel
    all that you slough beg borrow or steal
    and all you create
    and all you destroy
    and everything is
    touched by he moon

  2. [...] recently wrote a post about using sperm to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. If that’s not a solution that will work for you, how about eating marshmallows made out of [...]

  3. I thought I saw that on a Nip Tuck episode once.
    Bet there might be a market for the real stuff.
    What do you think?

  4. I am going to send this to twitter user
    She recently wrote a post about having skin problems
    at dorms on campus. Wonder if they are co-ed.
    Guys better lock there doors if they want to help her

    Kirk Nickey

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