
Club Vending Machines Carry Ballet Flats…Brilliant

Friday, 05 Jun 2009

You know those nights after dancing for hours in your – well in my case never less than 3 inch – stilettos. Feet pounding, hurting, in much need of a nice massage. Now, you are on your way back to the car or the pizza joint down the block and can’t even imagine how you are going to get there.

Well, if they have it their way, Rollasole ballet flats will be sold in a vending machine at local club near you. Okay that was cheesy. But really, these ballet flats, already sold in several clubs across the UK, will cost about $7. They come rolled up in little balls and even include a matching bag to carry your heels in. Can we say C-L-E-V-E-R.

I will end on this note, $7 can add up real quick!

Rollasole Vending Machine

Vending machine with Rollasole for sale.

Rollasole Package

Rolled up ballet flat and bag to carry your heels in.

Rollasole's unrolled in black. They also come in gold and silver.

Rollasole's unrolled in black. They also come in gold and silver.

Reader's Comments

  1. One of those inventions that make us think “omg, why didn’t I think of it?”

  2. I say bring your own!

  3. [...] Lauren Bernat [...]

  4. dose it fit all sizes?

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