My Custom EA SPORTS Active Wii
The Monday morning after the EA SPORTS Active kick off event was brutal. I woke up delusional (because of the time change) and dragged my butt to work. As I walked over to my desk, I noticed a brown package waiting for me. It is important to note that while we were in Santa Barbara, some of the other moms explained that they received a mysterious brown box with a “Cool Shit” sticker on the side.
Hmmmm. There it was, a brown Publix hash brown box with a “Cool Shit” sticker on the side. I knew this was a moment to capture on film. So, I decided to wait until I got home to rip open my new toy. Trust me it took a lot of effort on my part not to rip open the box at that very moment.
Like a true geek, below is a video of me opening my custom EA SPORTS Active Nintendo Wii.
Yum. Nothing says delicious Southern Style Hash Brown Frozen Potatoes like Publix.
And, the Wii is pretty cool too
That’s a custom Wii? It’s a retail Wii with a sticker on the side! WTF?!
That is not a sticker! The design was laser etched into the machine. You are mistaken.
Isn’t it the greatest thing? Love it! I had to tell my readers that no, it’s not a sticker, folks. It’s THAT amazing.
So great to meet you at the retreat. Hope to meet you again soon.