
Brooke Hogan’s Pole Dancing Career

Monday, 16 Mar 2009

Brooke Hogan ThumbnailI was selling parking at Calle Ocho, Miami’s Latin festival that happens once a year, when one of the guys we sold a spot was bragging that he got to see Brooke Hogan pole dancing for the crowd while her father watched. My first reaction: “this guy must be drunk!”

Well, check out the below photos for  yourself. Apparently, she was featured dancing and stripping around a stripper pole looking extremely “sexually seductive.” And yes, her father was right there in the audience to cheer her on.

Photos via The Superficial.

Brooke Hogan 1

Brooke Hogan 3

Brooke Hogan 4

Brooke Hogan 5

Brooke Hogan 6

Reader's Comments

  1. wow, that first picture made me vomit a little bit in my mouth…

  2. she shoulda gone into wrestling, she would have been a superstar!

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