
First Tourists Book Stay in Space Hotel

Thursday, 19 Feb 2009

Space Hotel ThumbnailThirty-eight reservations have already been booked to stay at the first space hotel scheduled to be open in three years (2012).

The Galactic Suite hotel, will cost a mere 3 million euros. And exactly what are you getting for a cool 3 million euros? Well, each guest will get 18 weeks of training and 4 days in the hotel.

The Galactic Suite project, which is currently being designed in Europe, consists of three pillars: The spaceport (situated on a tropical island), spaceship (designed to carry four passengers and two pilots) and spaceresort (designed to be a modular structure with a central enclosed area from which the modules will be interconnected).

Passengers will complete 15 orbits around the Earth per day and every 45 minutes will experience watching a sunrise and sunset. And, aside from experiencing weightlessness, the visitors will also have the possibility to enjoy a bath in the state of weightlessness, in the first-ever outer space spa visit. Wow!

Galactic Suite

This is what the Galactic Suite hotel and space craft will look like.

Galactic Suite Capsule Room

Each room of the Galactic Suite is hosted in a capsule. The rooms are 7 meter wide and 4 meters high, they have no angle nor straight lines. Whenever they'd want to eat, sleep or watch the space through the huge windows, guest would "stick" --using velcro or similar systems-- to some protuberances on the sides of the room.

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